On Thursday, October 19, 2023, we conducted a post-trip report meeting in the Student Commons to discuss the experiences of three students who had participated in the Russian language program in the Kyrgyz Republic during the summer. October at the University of Tsukuba was dedicated to various study abroad events, aiming to strengthen study abroad counseling, and this debriefing session was a part of that initiative.

Following the presentation of the return report, we virtually connected with two students currently enrolled in the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (our partner school in the CiC program). The objective was to provide valuable insights to prospective students about what it’s like to be an exchange student there and offer practical advice on preparing for studying abroad. The students shared firsthand information, shedding light on the nuances of studying abroad and how best to prepare for it.

During the session, both in-person attendees and online viewers actively posed questions about classes and daily life, displaying a significant level of interest in studying abroad in Central Asian countries.