Abdullayev Shokhrukh (SPJES)
Rakhimov Mansurbek(SPJES)
Hasanova Nargiz (SPJES)
Uzbekov Kuanysh (SPJES)
Iskandarova Feruza (SPJES)
Mirakilova Fatima (SPJES)
Baikurmanov Bauyrzhan(SPJES)
Tursynaliyeva Azhar (SPJES)
The Ambassador of Turkmenistan visited to commemorate the first Turkmen language class offered at the University of Tsukuba.  
The 3rd NipCA Fellow Graduation Ceremony was held
The third Borderless Onsite Meeting was held at the University of Tsukuba.
Seven students from the third cohort of NipCA Fellows were presented with their NipCA Fellow certificates by Chairman Yohei Sasakawa.