Boziev Kamoliddin
After the Resolution adapted by the United Nation General Assembly on 25 September 2015 called “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” all UN countries members took obligation to archive and utilizing it to the full to transform the world for the better by 2030.
From that time, SGD issues talks everywhere from International Organizations to the Nun Government Organizations and from Government level to the communities.
Fortunately as a civil servant in my country, I was a part of that big community who are working for SDG nationalization and implementation. I have been directly involved in SDG adaptation, monitoring and evaluation process in the Ministry of Economic development and trade of Republic of Tajikistan.

Accordingly, in the particular article I am going to write about activates which have been done for SDG nationalization in the Republic of Tajikistan in high-national level and what is going for it implementation in the Japan-Okinawa in the community-field level.
Tajikistan case
In the framework of initiatives promotion in the field of sustainable development, In 2015 Tajikistan officially adopted Sustainable Development as a new political line. The National Development Strategy for the period up to 2030 designed in the country.
The new development strategy takes into consideration the Republic of Tajikistan’s international commitments on the Agenda 2030 and the ultimate goal of the long-term development of Tajikistan according to new strategic document is to improve live standards based on sustainable economic development.
After adapting new development strategy in the country all programmatic and strategic documents in the country in sectorial and regional level has to be redesign or developed under new global (SDG) and national (NDS 2030) goals and targets. According to the Rapid Integrated Assessment approximately 64 % of country strategic objectives relevant to SDGs but more comprehensive review showed SDGs Integration to that documents is at 78%.
New national development strategy obligates regional and sectoral development strategies and programs to integrate the sustainable goals.
SDG nationalization and adaptation into the local strategies is the first stage of sustainable goals but what is needed to be done to achieve that goals is the main question which I will try to look through the Okinawa case.
Okinawa case
Fortunately, in the frame of SDGs study I had a tour to Okinawa in November 6-10. During this study tour, we had participated in a lecture on the environment conservation and SDGs, which took place in University of the Ryukyus Tropical Biosphere Research.
Despite presented topics related to SDG process in Central Asia Countries and Azerbaijan, for me as the SGD implementation researcher the most important part of the lecture was ECOCANs (Ecological Campus Student Committee) presentation.
As I found, the main purpose of current committee is to achieve SDG in the field. The student community already know how to involved society for SDG implementation process.

The activities direction of the Committee are campus ECO-Tour, plogging, re-repack and bottle cap and interaction with the other universities. Apparently, it seems a small work but when you look through SGD to their activities it cover about 70 % sustainable goals.
Their activities connects with below 12 goals: SDG 3 – Good health and well-being, SDG 4 – Quality Education, SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy, SDG 8 – Decent work and Economic grows, SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructures, SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and Production, SDG 13 – Climate Action, SDG 14 – Life below water, SDG 15 – life on land and SDG 17 – Partnership.
Current experience shows that the Sustainable Development Goals is one of the most discussed topic in the world, which is strengthen my interest as a researcher in the Sustainable Development Goals direction and gives me new inspiration in my research work.