On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, a special series of public lectures was held for the new students of the class of 2022. Following the inaugural session in 2021, we invited Professor Yasuhiko Tosaku from the University of California, San Diego. He delivered a lecture titled “To Succeed in a Society of Confusion and Change – What to Do Now as a University Student”. Professor Tosaku holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of California, San Diego, and currently teaches at the University’s School of Global Policy and Strategy. He has also served as a visiting professor in Japan, China, Korea, and Vietnam. He is one of America’s leading scholars in Japanese language education and received an award from Japan’s Ministry of Culture and Welfare last year.

During his talk, he emphasized the importance of preparing for success in college amidst today’s turmoil and change. In his theme, he highlighted that success requires not only the acquisition of knowledge but also the ability to solve problems and innovate. As AI continues to evolve, there is an increasing likelihood that white-collar jobs will be automated. Therefore, there is now an even greater emphasis on developing humanistic soft skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, perseverance, collaboration, communication skills, adaptability, self-discipline, and executive function.

In an era where expertise becomes outdated at an accelerating pace, it’s crucial to reassess the value of university education. Universities not only impart knowledge but also foster new individuals and ideas. Especially at the graduate level, students are expected to generate novel theories and concepts. It’s vital to accumulate diverse experiences during college, engage with people from diverse backgrounds, and cultivate  various soft skills. For instance, studying abroad in a culturally distinct region while still in school and building connections with international students can significantly enhance creativity and collaboration. The University of Tsukuba offers an excellent environment for such growth.

During times of upheaval and change, it is not uncommon to feel uneasy. If you experience doubt or anxiety about your current self, consider it as your inner voice urging you to evolve. Embrace this discomfort as a catalyst for future growth and continually strive for self-improvement. By doing so, you’ll be better prepared to seize opportunities as they arise.