Prof. Yukiko Yamamoto, the faculty member or the NipCA Project, gave a series of lectures on the SDGs to local high school students.  This was a part of social contribution activities of the University of Tsukuba. Prof. Yamamoto visited three local high schools, Joso Gakuin High School, Meikei High School, and Tsuchiura Nihon University High School, during December 2022.   

【Joso Gakuin High School】

On December 14, Prof. Yamamoto and NipCA Project researcher Ms. Lilia Kocharyan, visited Joso Gakuin High School, where Prof. Yamamoto gave a lecture to approximately 50 students.   Many of the students had never attended a lecture given only English, therefore, some students seemed to be nervous at the beginning. However, students gradually relaxed through the workshop-activities, and as some of them expressed their opinions in English towards the end of the lecture.





Meikei High School】

Similar educational exchange event was held at Meikai High School on December 19, 2022 Prof. Yamamoto and three NipCA fellows,  Ms. Munira Malakbozova, Ms. Maftunakhon Mavlonova and Ms. Yulduzkhon Suvanova, visited the Junior Red Cross Volunteer Club at Meike High School.  The members of the club have been actively working to help achieve the SDGs at the  local level.  The high school students made presentations in English about what they have been doing.  After the presentations, the participants were divided into small groups and exchanged some ideas about the SDGs.  The interaction with the people from Central Asia countries was a new experience for all students. The High School Students were very much interested in how people live, think, and act in those countries.  


【Tsuchiura Nihon University High School】

An English lecture on SDGs was held on December 23, 2022 at the Tsuchiura Nihon University High School.  Prof. Yamamoto gave a lecture focusing on the overview of the International Development Goals and the current progress of Japanese efforts.  The workshop was also held during the lecture, thus students had a chance to discuss each other and present their thoughts in English. After the lecture, students were asked to identify several problems facing Japanese society and to think about possible small steps they could take.  The session was very active, with some students staying after the lecture to ask questions and make comments.



This lecture was a great opportunity for the students to try out their English communication skills in practice and raise awareness of current and future global problems we and our future generations could encounter. Prof. Yamamoto said she also enjoyed interacting with the  high school students.  

The series of this event was featured in the “University of Tsukuba SDGs Communication Month”, which was planned by the Organization for DESIGN THE FUTURE, University of Tsukuba.  (