The Second Borderless Onsite Meeting was held on Friday, July 21, 2023, in conjunction with the International Bureau Global Commons.

Following the introduction of Kazakhstan at the previous meeting, Ms. Suvanova Yulduzhon, a NipCA Fellow from Uzbekistan, made a presentation titled “Uzbekistan: History, People, and Culture”.

Ms. Suvanova took the audience on a virtual tour of Uzbekistan, a country rich in Silk Road legacies, focusing on the history and legacy of the three cities of Samarkand, Khiva, and Bukhara. Participants were intrigued by the beautiful photographs of Samarkand’s Legistan Square and other World Heritage sites, and during the Q&A session, there was a rush of questions about the colors often used in mosques.

Traditional Uzbek folk artifacts, such as dishes and fabrics, were displayed on the tables, and the participants intently listened to the explanations of the foreign students from Uzbekistan stationed at each table. Some of the students had previously studied in Uzbekistan, while others were planning to study in Uzbekistan this September, and during free discussion time, they exchanged information and enjoyed discussing various topics.

The Borderless Onsite Meeting will continue to be conducted on the third Friday of odd-numbered months to allow NipCA Fellows to report on their countries and familiarize participants with the Central Asian region.