【開催案内】Let’s talk about the SDGs in English
会場:筑波大学 人文社会系棟A520
主催:筑波大学「日本財団 中央アジア・日本人材育成プロジェクト (NipCA)」
〒305-8571 茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-1 筑波大学共同研究棟A203TEL: 029-853-4251 / Email: info[at]genis.jinsha.tsukuba.ac.jp ※[at]は@に置き換えてください
Website: https://centralasia.jinsha.tsukuba.ac.jp/
【Event Information】
Let’s talk about the SDGs in English
(Reflection Meeting of “SDGs Seminar on Central Eurasia I (0ABC828)” and“SDGs Seminar on Central Eurasia A (0BBC616)”, in 2024 Autumn C in Ishigaki, Okinawa
“Join us for a discussion on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in English!”
Students who participated in the fieldwork of [SDGs Seminar on Central Eurasia] will share their experiences and lead discussions on key topics.
Whether you were part of the previous fieldwork or are just interested in the topic, everyone is welcome!
Date: Wednesday, February 26th 13:00~15:00
Venue: Jinnbun-Shakai Keito A520
Eligibility: Everyone is welcome
Language: English
The Nippon Foundation Central Asia-Japan Human Resource Development Project (NipCA Project)
Address: Cooperative Research Building A203, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8571 Japan
TEL: 029-853-4251 / Email: info[at]genis.jinsha.sukuba.ac.jp *[at] should be replaced with @.
Website: https://centralasia.jinsha.tsukuba.ac.jp/