2022-03-23 activity  Pre-symposium of 71st National Convention of the Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature entitled “Fading Memories and Connections: Literature and Society during Thirty Years since the Collapse of the Soviet Union” was organized 2022-02-16 activity  The 3rd Online Screening of Russian and Central Asian Films was held 2021-03-26 activity  Six First-Term NipCA Fellows Awarded the NipCA Fellow Certificate by President Sasakawa Yohei 2020-12-28 info  Al-Farabi Kazakh National University’s University of Tsukuba Office Opening Ceremony Held 2020-11-26 info  Uzbekistan’s Ambassador to Japan Visits University of Tsukuba 2024-12-21 info  The 50th Public Lecture, “The future of Central Eurasia and Japan” was held 2024-12-12 nipca-fellows_en2024  Rashidova Rukhsora (SPJES) 2024-12-12 nipca-fellows_en2024  Muhammad ibrokhimov Botirjon (SPJES) 2024-12-12 nipca-fellows_en2024  Akramova Lola (SPJES) 2024-12-12 nipca-fellows_en2024  Otkulbek kyzy Akylai (SPJES) 2024-12-12 nipca-fellows_en2024  Yerzhomartova Ayazhan (SPJES) 2024-12-12 nipca-fellows_en2024  Umirzakova Nazym (SPJES) 2024-12-12 nipca-fellows_en2024  Amanbaiuly Mukhtar (SPJES) 2024-12-12 nipca-fellows_en2024phd  Abdurasulova Mekhriniso (SPJES) 2024-12-12 nipca-fellows_en2024phd  Smanova Nargiza (SPJES) 2024-12-12 nipca-fellows_en2024phd  Davronova Farangis (SPJES) 2024-12-10 activity  The 43rd Public Lecture, “The Future of Central Eurasia and Japan” was held Posts navigation 1 2 3 4 … 29 →