NipCA Project ” 3rd Special Online Lecture 2023 for Freshmen of University of Tsukuba”
The University of Tsukuba held the first “COIL-type Large-scale Education Promotion Project with Turkmenistan”
The University of Tsukuba held the second “COIL-based University Education Promotion Project with Turkmenistan”
The debriefing session on the return from the FY2022 language training program (in Kazakhstan) was held
The first Borderless Onsite Meeting was held
NipCA project cooperating faculty member Takashi Ninomiya presented the results of his research at the "International Conference, Crossroads of Civilizations 15: Mutual Understanding of Different Cultures, Ethnicities, and Languages through the Prism of Comparative Typological Studies 2"
【開催案内】第41回「中央ユーラシアと日本の未来」公開講演会「日本古代神話と中央アジアの伝承世界 -シャーマニズムの視点から見えてくるもの-」
NipCA project coordinator Dr. Yuji Kajiyama participated in the Colloque International 2023 symposium
Recruitment Information
Two Members of the NipCA Project Took Part in the “Researcher Exchange Conference Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Kazakhstan.
NipCA Project’s SDG seminar under the Central Eurasia Program “Okinawa Study Tour” Held February 8 (Wed.) to 11 (Sat.), 2023.
NipCA Project ” Second Special Online Lecture 2022 for Freshmen of University of Tsukuba”