2023-07-06 info  NipCA Project ” 3rd Special Online Lecture 2023 for Freshmen of University of Tsukuba” 2023-06-30 info  The University of Tsukuba held the first “COIL-type Large-scale Education Promotion Project with Turkmenistan” 2023-06-29 info  The University of Tsukuba held the second “COIL-based University Education Promotion Project with Turkmenistan” 2023-06-23 info  The debriefing session on the return from the FY2022 language training program (in Kazakhstan) was held 2023-06-20 info  The first Borderless Onsite Meeting was held 2023-06-13 info  NipCA project cooperating faculty member Takashi Ninomiya presented the results of his research at the "International Conference, Crossroads of Civilizations 15: Mutual Understanding of Different Cultures, Ethnicities, and Languages through the Prism of Comparative Typological Studies 2" 2023-06-06 info  【開催案内】第41回「中央ユーラシアと日本の未来」公開講演会「日本古代神話と中央アジアの伝承世界 -シャーマニズムの視点から見えてくるもの-」 2023-04-06 info  NipCA project coordinator Dr. Yuji Kajiyama participated in the Colloque International 2023 symposium 2023-03-23 recruitment_en  Recruitment Information 2023-03-18 info  Two Members of the NipCA Project Took Part in the “Researcher Exchange Conference Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Kazakhstan. 2023-03-06 info  NipCA Project’s SDG seminar under the Central Eurasia Program “Okinawa Study Tour” Held February 8 (Wed.) to 11 (Sat.), 2023. 2023-02-22 info  NipCA Project ” Second Special Online Lecture 2022 for Freshmen of University of Tsukuba” Posts navigation ← 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 →