The 4th online screening of Russian and Central Asian films
The NipCA Fellows SPEJS 2022 Kickoff Meeting was held
Student of NipCA 2021 Fellow, Asal Bazarova, presented the findings of her research on women entrepreneurs in Uzbekistan.
Held Uzbekistan Culture Week 2022
NipCA project fellow supervisor Associate Professor Leslie Tkach Kawasaki presented the results of her research “New Political Actors in the Electoral Process: Japan’s Election Management Boards Online” at the 8th Annual Conference of the International Journal of Press/Politics (IJPP).
NipCA フェロー指導教員 タック 川﨑 レスリー氏が、英国ラフバラー大学で開催された「第8回国際報道・政治ジャーナル(IJPP)」で研究の成果を発表されました。
The Fourth Japan-Uzbekistan Rectors’ Conference Held
NipCA Project researcher Dr. Nafissa Insebayeva participated in the 15th Seoul ODA International Conference,
The 2nd NipCA Fellow Graduation Ceremony was held at the University of Tsukuba
SPJES Coordinator Dr. Mariam Bibirashvili presented her research results at the public discussion “Thirty Years of Diplomatic Relations Between Georgia and Japan” in Georgia.
President Sasakawa awarded certificates to 7 fellows as the 2nd Sasakawa NipCA Fellows
NipCA Project’s Japanese Corporate Internship “Study Tour to Hokkaido” Held July 12 (Tue.) to 15 (Fri.), 2022.