2022-11-02 info  The “Japan Central Asia Exchange Forum” was held at the University of Tsukuba 2022-11-01 info  NipCA Project fellow student Aizada Badiyeva participated in the 81st Annual Scientific Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health 2022-10-30 info  NipCA project fellow supervisor Associate Professor Leslie Tkach Kawasaki presented the results of her research “Translating Views into Votes: Trends in Engaging Young Japanese Voters” at the conference of the Japan Studies Association of Canada (JSAC) Conference. 2022-10-26 info  The 4th online screening of Russian and Central Asian films 2022-10-17 info  The NipCA Fellows SPEJS 2022 Kickoff Meeting was held 2022-10-12 info  Student of NipCA 2021 Fellow, Asal Bazarova, presented the findings of her research on women entrepreneurs in Uzbekistan. 2022-10-01 info  Held Uzbekistan Culture Week 2022 2022-09-30 info  NipCA project fellow supervisor Associate Professor Leslie Tkach Kawasaki presented the results of her research “New Political Actors in the Electoral Process: Japan’s Election Management Boards Online” at the 8th Annual Conference of the International Journal of Press/Politics (IJPP). 2022-09-30 info  NipCA フェロー指導教員 タック 川﨑 レスリー氏が、英国ラフバラー大学で開催された「第8回国際報道・政治ジャーナル(IJPP)」で研究の成果を発表されました。 2022-09-29 info  The Fourth Japan-Uzbekistan Rectors’ Conference Held 2022-09-28 info  NipCA Project researcher Dr. Nafissa Insebayeva participated in the 15th Seoul ODA International Conference, 2022-09-22 info  The 2nd NipCA Fellow Graduation Ceremony was held at the University of Tsukuba Posts navigation ← 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 8 →